Arab World Media

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“I’ve almost finished reading the New Testament, and after that, I’m going to start reading the Old Testament. My life has changed completely.” – Taleb, an Arab man

Many more like Taleb are ready to find Jesus and share Him with others. Through your prayers and financial support, we can see more unreached areas illuminated with the gospel this year. We are asking God and His people to provide $600,000 for the engagement and discipleship of seekers in the Arab world.

Pioneers is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Therefore, your contribution may be tax deductible and no goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution unless otherwise noted. Gifts clearly marked by the donor as "non-tax deductible" for birthdays, Christmas, etc. will be processed as such and the donor will not receive a tax-deductible receipt. Tax-deductible contributions are made with the understanding the Pioneers has complete control of donated funds, and discretion as to the use of funds in sharing the gospel with unreached peoples worldwide. Donor preferences will be honored when given. If a missionary leaves Pioneers or a project is discontinued or oversubscribed, Pioneers will use the remaining funds to carry on similar ministries.

Pioneers has a passion to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples of the world. To accomplish this goal, we trust God to meet all our needs, including the provision of adequate financial resources, as well as prayer partners. Our worldwide family of missionaries thanks you for your generous participation.

Pioneers is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and MissioNexus (formerly the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association). As members, we demonstrate our commitment to high standards regarding fund-raising and financial accountability. An independent auditing firm audits us annually. A copy of our audit is available upon request, or may be downloaded from